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Makinex helping essential businesses

Makinex Apr 28, 2023 12:07:16 AM

We are in this together! We have been living in this ‘new normal’ for over a month and it looks like we will have to persevere longer than we expected.

“During these unprecedented times, Makinex has looked at solutions we can provide to our customers, to assist with their day to day activities safely and effectively. With our existing range of innovative equipment, we have seen a new type of usage for our products and are proud to be part of flattening the curve.” – Bill Marshall, VP of Sales & Marketing

Here are how companies around the world are repurposing the Makinex product line during COVID-19:

  • Hose 2 Go’s are being used as portable hand-washing stations to provide ready-to-go water for use at testing sites, warehouses, rental yards, and personal use. The portable water unit has no pump, no electrics, and no batteries, so it can be used anywhere, at any time. WATCH HERE
  • With the new CDC guidelines, the Powered Hand Truck allows companies that are working with skeleton crews and practicing social distancing at 6 feet to have a one-person solution for getting equipment in and out of customers’ trucks safely and effectively. The Powered Hand Truck is an award-winning safety product that allows one person to load and unload materials up to 309lbs. WATCH HERE
  • Dual Presser Washers are great solutions for businesses that need any exterior cleaning. These pressure washers incorporate both a rotary cleaner and wand in the same machine, with adjustable pressure up to 4000psi. WATCH HERE
  • The Dual-Phase Generator Range powers disinfecting cannons and mobile testing stations. Ranging from 9kW-23kW, these units are portable and have both three-phase and single-phase power to help with all power needs. WATCH HERE

In addition to the above products, we have our award-winning Jackhammer Trolley that can be used in all the numerous flooring projects being completed right now. We are fully loaded with stock and ready to ship on all orders across North America!

To learn more about the updated CDC guidelines during COVID-19, visit their website here.

As always, we are here to help. Contact us at sales@makinex.com or call us at 1-855-625-4639.

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